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Our programs are designed by content experts and are focused on specific outcomes.

All programs include 5-8 modules; each module includes live instruction, a workshop and one on one time with the instructor.

The Sales Programs

Sales Acceleration Method

In this Sales Acceleration Program, startups will learn the building blocks to build a great sales strategy. We’ll cover defining target customers and how to reach them, identifying different buyers, and frameworks for the creating a stellar buying process. We’ll also cover creating value propositions for different buyers, as well as creating a story of value for buyers.


  • Determine Target Customers

  • Define Value Proposition

  • Identify Buyers

  • Beachhead Market and Influencers

  • Determine How to Reach Buyers

  • Create Story to Tell Buyers

  • Determine How to Activate Buyers

How to Sell Like a Pro

In this Selling Like a Pro Program, startups will learn frameworks and techniques to sell to their ideal customers. We’ll cover a framework for sales calls, determining which customers will provide the most value, and identifying common mistakes and how to avoid them. We’ll also cover negotiation techniques for sales calls and beyond, as well as stages in the sales funnel and how to track success.


  • The Sales Call

  • ROI Calculator

  • The 13 Biggest Sales Mistakes Startups Make

  • Negotiating for Winning Outcomes

  • The Sales Funnel

The Marketing Programs

Marketing Growth

In this first Marketing Growth Program, startups will learn foundational marketing processes and learn best practices around tracking analytics and KPIs. We’ll cover building out a well-rounded marketing funnel, along with advertising best practices and optimizing conversion rates.


  • Understanding Your Customers

  • Building Your Marketing Funnel

  • Advertising

  • Advertising Part 2

  • Conversion Rate Optimisation

  • Retention

  • Metrics + KPI Dashboard

Marketing Growth II

In this second Marketing Growth Program, startups will create their Unique Selling proposition, learn best practices around content marketing and campaign creation, and work on increasing retention. We’ll cover copywriting and marketing channel strategy, along with running growth meetings and planning for a year of growth.


  • Unique Selling Proposition

  • Content Marketing and Campaign Creation

  • Growth Mindset and How to Run Growth Meetings

  • Retention Part 2

  • Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly Strategy and Planning

  • Marketing Channels Strategy

  • Copywriting

The Art and Science of Product Marketing

In this Product Marketing Program, startups will identify target market segments, and customer challenges and outcomes to build out product marketing essentials. Startups will develop customer facing value propositions and use these to create value based messaging to clarify your story and increase win rates. Startups will leave with a Product Marketing Toolkit for their sales and marketing teams.


  • Building a Product Marketing Toolkit

  • Getting to Product Market Fit

  • Value Propositions to Increase Win Rates

  • How (and when) to Get Customer Feedback

  • Creating Winning Sales Decks

  • Writing Great Emails That Buyers Actually Open

  • Building an Outbound Strategy

Driving Growth Through Value Based Pricing

In this Pricing Program, startups will learn frameworks to create packaging that meets customers’ needs and to create pricing that doesn’t leave money on the table. Startups will identify if their pricing matches how customers want to buy and will learn strategies for discounting and increasing prices. They will leave with a pricing sheet that is simple to understand and matches their customers’ needs.


  • The Elements of Pricing

  • The Buying Committee and Matching Customers’ Needs

  • How to Validate Pricing

  • Creating a Pricing Sheet

  • Discounting Strategies

  • Framework to Increase Pricing

Finance and Fundraising Programs

Finance Fundamentals

In this Finance Program, startups will gain an understanding of finance best practices and operational fluency. We’ll cover interpreting and creating a P&L, calculating important metrics such as CAC and LTV, and build a pricing strategy and break even analysis.


  • Understanding financial statements

  • Building a profit & loss

  • Building a cash flow

  • Budgeting & budgetary control

  • Pricing

  • Unit Economics

How to Pitch to Investors

In this Fundraising Program, startups will learn what VCs look for in funding companies and how to prepare for fundraising. We’ll cover building a data room, creating a great deck, pitching, and reaching investors. 


  • How to Calculate Total Addressable Market

  • Pitching to Angels

  • Pitching to VCs

  • The VC 15 Point Startup Evaluation Model

  • The VC 2 Minute Demo Day Pitch

  • The VC 20 Minute In-Person Pitch

  • Forms of Capital Raise

  • Term Sheet Conditions not to be Overlooked

  • Data Room Checklist

Not sure which program is best for you?

or get in touch with us directly.

Meet your team

Brad Garsten

Tash Jefferies

Adriana Vergara

Kyler Murlas

Candice Tait

Naresh Parshotam